The Messianic Movement
On this podcast, John Tarr interviewed Lynwood Jonson on April 24, 2023 about the Messianic Movement.
He and his wife worships at Jewish congregation in Scottsdale , Arizona on Friday nights but still celebrate the next day on Saturday.
Lynwood is and always has been a Christian but many of the people in his congregation are Messianic Jews.
Messianic Jew means that they believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah that the Jews were looking for so many centuries in Israel.
Many Christians are surprised to learn that all the New Testament writers were Messianic Jews, with the possible exception of Luke.
None of them ceased being Jews active in their synagogue communities, but rather they continued living as practicing Jews who understood Jesus’ words and attesting miracles supporting His claim of being Israel’s Messiah anticipated by numerous prophets.
When Lynwood and I talked, it was interesting to find out how this congregation weaved being a Christian and being Jewish together and how it gave a much fuller understanding about the Torah, The Old Testament and New Testament and Jesus Christ Himself.
The Messianic Movement
Here is the video of the interview with Lynwood Johnson.
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