Christ Talk

Christ Talk is a Christian podcast where we interview a cross section of professional people on the their walk with Jesus Christ.

We interview scientists, poets, couples and their marriage and a christian men’s 12 step fasilitator. 

Christ Talk Podcast Series 

June 15, 2024 John Tarr interviews his grandson, Justin Tarr. Justin has a degree in theology and writes articles for a Christian Apologetic Website uncovering deep truths of scripture.

Today we talk about Christian Eschatology of final days or final things and what the bibles perspective is.


May 13, 2024 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast Part 6 , we talked about a book written by Hugh Ross of RTB (Reasons to Believe) and his book “NAVIGATING GENESIS”

We discuss Days 3 & 4 and what happened on those two days. We also spent time on talking about the lights in the sky (Sun & Moon) and dry land.

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


April 22, 2024 – Today’s episode Rhonda and I talk about the Book of Daniel 9:4-19. It is a prayer that Daniel used for his country of Israel to God.

Rhonda says she uses this prayer for the United States because of all the things that are going in this country and all the sinful behaviours and how we have covered ourselves in shame. We also talked about the book that Anne Graham Lotz wrote called “The Daniel Prayer: The Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations”

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


April 20, 2024 John Tarr interviews his grandson, Justin Tarr once a month. Justin has a degree in theology and writes articles for a Christian Apologetic Website uncovering deep truths of scripture.

Today we talked about Evolution, Dawin, being an Atheist, Intelligent Design, The Big Bang and Creation of the Universe. We also talk about “Dissent From Darwin” of over one thousand scientist that no longer believe in evolution. We also discus the book by Fuz Rana and Hugh Ross called “What Darwin Didn’t Know” 


April 1, 2024 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast Part 5 , we talked about a book written by Hugh Ross of RTB (Reasons to Believe) and his book “NAVIGATING GENESIS”

We discuss Days 1 & 2 and what happened on those two days. We also spent time on talking about how the Moon was formed, the rotation of the earth, the Day, Night and Life Cycle on Earth. 

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


March 30, 2024 John Tarr interviews his grandson, Justin Tarr once a month. Justin has a degree in theology and writes articles for a Christian Apologetic Website uncovering deep truths of scripture.

Today we talked about Slavery from a Christian perspective. How does that look and what does that mean in light of Easter being this week. Jesus paid our debt for eternity and our slavery to sin. 


March 25, 2024 – Today’s episode Rhonda and I talk about Easter and what it means. She brings up a article that Ken Samples, from RTB wrote: 3 Lines of Evidence for Jesus Resurrection 

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


February 12, 2024 – Today’s episode Rhonda and I talk about music and worship. Why have hymns disappeared in most to churches today in favor of contemporary music? Did they sing hymns in the Old Testament and in Jesus day? 

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


February 9, 2024 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast Part 5 , we talked about a book written by Hugh Ross of RTB (Reasons to Believe) and his book “NAVIGATING GENESIS” We discuss Day 1 and what happened on that day. We also spent time on talking about the Moon and how it is a real miracle and it is essential for life on our planet Earth.

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


January 15, 2024 – Today’s episode Rhonda and I talk about something she wrote in her blog called Create Prayer Triggers in Your Life

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


January 13, 2024 John Tarr interviews his grandson, Justin Tarr once a month. Justin has a degree in theology and writes articles for a Christian Apologetic Website uncovering deep truths of scripture.

Today we talked about abortion and a blog that Justin wrote “Why The Preborn Have a Right to Life”


January 8, 2024 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast is Part 3 were we talked about a book written by Hugh Ross of RTB (Reasons to Believe) and his book “NAVIGATING GENESIS” and chapters 1-4: CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE

We talk about what happened in Genesis 1-4, and how old the universe and our solar system is, and what the word “Day” (Yom) means.

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


December 21, 2023 John Tarr interviews his grandson, Justin Tarr once a month. Justin has a degree in theology and writes articles for a Christian Apologetic Website uncovering deep truths of scripture.

Today we talked about the Movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” and God’s middle knowledge.


December 11, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Rhonda Brown, a Christian poet. On this episode, Rhonda and I talk about the advent, that period of time from December 1st until Christmas. We also talked about the song “Mary Did You Know” 

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


December 4, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast is Part 2 were we talked about a book written by Hugh Ross of RTB (Reasons to Believe) and his book “NAVIGATING GENESIS” and chapters 1-6: CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


November 13, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Rhonda Brown, a Christian poet. We talk about having a spirit of Thanksgiving. You can find Rhonda’s article and poem on her blog “Attitude of Gratitude”.

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


November 6, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast we talked about a book written by Hugh Ross of RTB (Reasons to Believe) and his book “NAVIGATING GENESIS” and chapter 3: CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


September 11, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Rhonda Brown, a Christian poet. We talk about how her poems can be used as a prayer. 

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


September 4, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast we talked about ‘Jesus Christs Resume’ Part 2. God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus all have a resume.

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


August 28, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Lynwood Johnson. Lynwood belongs to a Messianic congregation in Scottsdale Arizona. Today we talk about an article from Breakpoint with John Stonestreet called What’s Behind America’s Great Dechurching? 


August 21, 2023 – John Tarr interviews Rhonda Brown, a Christian poet. Rhonda shares 4 of her very special poems and how they came about and what they mean to her. You could use her poems as a prayer if you wish.

Go to Rhonda’s website to find out more info on her, her poems and how to purchase her book. The Poet Monk.


August 16, 2023 – John Tarr interviews his grandson, Justin Tarr once a month. Justin has a degree in theology and writes articles for a Christian Apologetic Website uncovering deep truths of scripture. Today we talked about Ecclesiastes 4:2-3. 

“And I thought the dead who are already dead more fortunate than the living who are still alive. But better than both is he who has not yet been and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun.”

You can read his blog about this here The Christian Life Alone Is Worth Living


August 7, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God.

In this podcast we talked about ‘Jesus Christs Resume’ Part 1. God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus all have a resume.

You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


July 31, 2023 – John Tarr interviews Lynwood Johnson. John and Lynwood talk about his Messianic congregation but also about being a Christian in general. What are some of the most profound truths revealed in the Bible. We talked about the universe and the Intelligent Designer behind it. Lynwood worships at Tree of Life Congregation.


July 3, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God. In this podcast we covered Crucial Relationship of Life. Life is more than just biological aspect, there are also psychological and spiritual aspects. Based on the revelation of the Scripture, I use a “Roadmap of Life’s Relationships” to share the four crucial relationships that not only can affect your life on earth but also the future life after your human life end on earth. You can find Alan’s website Science and Life.


June 26, 2023 – John Tarr interviews Lynwood Johnson about what it is like to worship at a Messianic Congregation. What is the difference between a Jewish, Christian and Messianic congregation. We know messianic means that Jesus was the Messiah the Jews had been looking for so many centuries. Lynwood worships at Tree of Life Congregation.


June 5, 2023 – John Tarr interviews Rhonda Brown, a Christian Poet. John and Rhonda talk about Christian marriage. Rhonda and her husband just celebrated their 50th anniversary so we talked about what it is like to be married that long and the ups and downs of being married to someone over that period of time. Go here to read her blog “When Marriage Lasts”


May 30, 2023 – John Tarr interviews Bill Walters about insurance and financial guidance. He has a wealth of knowledge was very impressive. He gave much advice on how to plan for your retirement and the later years of your life. Bill works with Transamerica Insurance and his contact information can be found on his website Perfectly Imperfect Families. 


May 22, 2023 – John Tarr interviews Lynwood Johnson about a blog he wrote about a Bridge Between Judaism and Christianity. Many Messianic see our movement as a bridge between Judaism and Christianity.They learn from Messianic Jew (the apostle Paul) in Romans 11, that the future of Jews and Christians is inextricably bound together. Lynwood worships at Tree of Life Congregation.


May 16, 2023

John Tarr interviewed Zita Iwuoha of Zita’s Health Beginnings. John and Zita talked about her organization that brings medical care to babies and mothers to Nigeria, Africa. Zita’s Healthy Beginnings is working to close this gap through advocacy, education, and training of Doulas who accompany women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.


May 12, 2023

Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God. This podcast we covered an article he wrote for his website called Multiverse Point To a Creator


May 8, 2023

John Tarr interviewed Rhonda Brown, a Christian poet.  John and Rhonda talked about the different facets of prayer and how it related to us all. You can find her blog post on prayer here on “Prayer On My Mind” This was a very interesting subject and how do we connect with the God that created the universe.


May 1, 2023Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God. This podcast we covered an article he wrote for my Apologetic website called Crucial Relationship of Life. 

(1.) Creation: Beginning Relation (2.) Fall: Judgement Relation (3.) Redemption: Love Relation (4.) New Creation: Forever Relation


April 24, 2023 – John Tarr interviews Lynwood Johnson about what it means to be a Messianic believer. A Messianic Jew is someone who believes that Jesus was and is the Messiah that the Jews were and are looking for. Many Christians are surprised to learn that all the New Testament writers were Messianic Jews. Lynwood worships at Tree of Life Congregation.


April 17, 2023I interviewed Randy Williams who is a real prayer warrior but is also a facilitator for a Christian 12 Step Group at Mountain Park Church in Ahwatukee Foothills just south of Phoenix, Arizona. We talked about Men of Hope Group that really help men overcome many issues in their lives, many of which stem from childhood issues.


April 10, 2023

John Tarr interviewed Rhonda Brown, a Christian poet, for the first time on Monday April 10, 2023. She is known as the ‘The Poet Monk’. If you would like to visit Rhonda’s website go here The Poet Monk.


April 3, 2023 – Today’s episode our guests is Alan Tai who is a scientist and Christian. He wrote a book called A Physicist’s Perspective on God. This podcast we covered many topics like, is there a conflict between science and faith, evolution, where did math come from, The Big Bang, and a number of other topics that many people have on how the universe works. Alan will be my guest on the first Monday of the month but we will post a recording of the podcast right here.


March 6, 2023 – Hear what Jennifer A Whitaker and John Tarr have to say about their experience as Christians. Today’s episode we have two guests. Alan Tai who is a scientist and Randy Williams who is a mens facilitator at Men’s Hope a 12 step program for Christian men. 


Feb. 27, 2023 – This Episode, JAW’s Christ Talk is about Christ working in our lives. Him being present in the current times, even with the tridemic that we are now in after making it through the pandemic. Today Kurt Roskopf, have plenty of great things to say. Some, like Kurt bring humor to the room that you can also laugh at. We do not mind. We are here for enlightenment and entertainment.


Feb. 13, 2023 – This Episode, JAW’s Christ Talk, John talks about where the Bible comes from and the background of the scriptures. How do we know they are reliable and can be trusted? I is truly fascinating how God produced them for human reading all these thousands of years ago.


Feb. 6, 2023 – This Episode, JAW’s Christ Talk, John Tarr talks about how he went from a nasty atheist until the age of thirty years old to finding Jesus Christ. It is a remarkable journey that he shared. 


Jan 2, 2023 – Hear what Jennifer A Whitaker and John Tarr talk about what is like to be married and have partner in Christ. The difference between having close friends or a close partner like a marriage partner,


Nov. 28, 2022, 2922 – Hear what Jennifer A Whitaker and John Tarr talk about what is like to be married and have partner in Christ. The difference between having close friends or a close partner like a marriage partner,


Oct 31, 2022 – This Episode, JAW’s Christ Talk is about Christ working in our lives. Him being present in the current times, even with the tridemic that we are now in after making it through the pandemic. Today Kurt Roskopf, have plenty of great things to say. Some, like Kurt bring humor to the room that you can also laugh at. We do not mind. We are here for enlightenment and entertainment.


Oct 24, 2922 – Hear what Jennifer A Whitaker and John Tarr have to say about their experience as Christians, what is happening in the world from a Christian perspective, and compare these to what scientists are saying. This episode has to do with abortion.


We have written and produced many podcasts and blog articles on our website to keep you up-to-date. Go here to our Blog & News Release Page and here to our Podcast Page or our Book Page.Amazon

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