Welcome to JAW’s Coffee Chat sponsorship.
We are excited about your brand, products, services and everything in between to support us while we advertise your products, and get more business for you as a big thank you back.
We want to support you for as long as you continue to support us.
We believe in a two-way partnership.
In addition to vouching about your products and services, as well as your brand, we will add your affiliate link to your products on our products page, in our social media posts, in the description of our shows and podcasts.
All this while vouching about your products, and our gratitude for your support of our podcast at the beginning, mid-way or at the end of each episode.
If you want us to vouch, please go through the check-out system below providing the amount you want to sponsor, set up recurring billing, or one time to try us out first.
Then please email us with your marketing spill to read in each episode while live on the show.
If you have questions, or need assistance, please email or call in the United States or Canada.
If your company, brand or products are not listed on this page, we want to hear from you about your product, service, company and all that your business, or one of the businesses listed have to offer.
We want to hear why and how you want to support us.
The companies on our page are among our most wanted, but we are open to people and companies of all kinds and sizes.
We have written and produced many podcasts and blog articles on our website to keep you up-to-date. Go here to our Blog & News Release Page and here to our Podcast Page or our Book Page.Amazon
Recent Blog Posts
Lobectomy for Epilepsy
Our owner, Jennifer A Whitaker, is one of many survivors of chronic epilepsy. She was originally diagnosed with it shortly after getting her DTP shot at ten months old.
Living With Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects approximately 24 million people or 1 in 300 people (0.32%) worldwide.
We have written a number of articles about Books and More at our Blog and News Release Here and you can find our Podcasts Here